Market Development

Our team will customise a strategy suitable to the client’s needs and expertise to successfully enter a particular market, by analysing all key variables and build a plan for that market.

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Business Research and Intelligence

We will identify the specific market of interest, analyse, and develop the necessary information about potential commercial opportunities, competitive advantage, current business environment and culture, risk assessment, including requirements to operate locally; and, present a very accurate and verifiable market brief on potential business opportunities in these markets.

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Our team focus in the formulation and implementation of customised business development strategies and management methodologies which can create opportunities for diversification, risk minimisation, and reduction unnecessary costs in resources and time.

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Commercial Representation

We have the experience and network to represent and assist our clients  in marketing their business in  selling, buying, promoting, monitoring after sales, and public relations, among others with the aim of generating new or expand their business in these markets.

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Market Intelligence, Planning, and Risk Assessment

The Connection between Management, Financial Planning, and Intelligence has been forging applications of practical policies which have increased the complexity of the business environment. Our evaluation process gives a clearer understanding of the business culture and environment for developing a very cost effective strategic planning for that market.

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Business Development, Operations, Distribution, Mergers and Acquisitions

It's no secret that some mergers and acquisitions are not able to produce the promised synergies and the expected value. The problem is due to a wrong strategy in investing in that business, problems arise later, when it becomes clear that the integration of the merger or acquisition were not met with sufficient due dilligence. Our team will assist in resolving any challenges and develop a proper solution for our client.

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Event Management and Seminars

Our event coordination experience will help ensure a sustainable management for a very effective event. We can help  implement methods to manage the impact of events to the target audience.

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Business Promotions and Advertising

Our local team can develop a concept planning process which delivers pricing, promotion, distribution of ideas, including goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy the objectives of the organizations.

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Marketing and Media Strategy campaigns

Set (communicate what is going to be said) the most effective way to get our message to the target audience. A creative and efficient strategy should be

• CLEAR - where consumers are invited to buy the brand.

• SIMPLE - maintain enough number of ideas.

• COMPETITIVE - answer the question: Why should I prefer and buy this product instead of others offered by the competition.

We can create a very innovative strategy to achieve and effective result.

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Level 2, 11 Richardson Street, South Perth

Western Australia
Tel: (61-8) 6102 4706
Fax:(61-8) 9457 9639
E-mail: admin@gussman.net.au


Jiron Jacaranda 939, Dpto 402, Surco, Lima
Cont: (51) 946 181 892
E-mail: peru@gussman.net.au